Material Handling and Money

My name is Bill Jacobson. I'm a material handling specialist with Indoff, Inc. I specialize in helping my clients save money and reduce operational cost through better material handling methods and techniques.

My clients understand that the most expensive piece of equipment they have is the one that has two shoes and runs around inside their warehouse or distribution center. They also understand that their profits erode little by little every-time someone touches the inventory, walks around all day retrieving that inventory, or mis-picks it, to fill orders or when that inventory could be more efficiently organized and stored to recapture use-able warehouse space. With the ever increasing cost of labor, it's easy to visualize how a more streamlined process could lead to a re-evaluation of required direct labor, more space for the real revenue generating activities and a significant positive impact on the bottom line.

In my 14 years of experience I've saved my clients millions of dollars by showing them how to be more efficient through updated methods and techniques, reducing direct labor and taking full advantage of their current space limitations.

If you are concerned about rising operational costs or feel you are out of space and may have to move to a larger facility, the first and least expensive (FREE) thing you should do is pick up the phone and call me. Chances are good that I've seen and dealt with it before. My number is at the bottom of the page.

Thank you !!!

Bill Jacobson